A Day of Meetings

Tiraana Bains, CC 2015 We began the fifth day of our foray into the Southern Caucasus on a relatively unhurried note. The tranquility of a lazy morning was, however, shattered with the onset of midday as the trip-leaders decided to do what Ambassador Norland in his blissful ignorance presumed we always did. Having prepared an […]

Davit Gareja

Jennifer Friedmann, MC 2013 We stand at the edge of the world, overlooking lunar hills striped with rust and tan. Azerbaijan unfolds beneath us, a March desert empty but for a flock of sheep and the border patrol station. Fortunately, we encounter no Azeri patrols as we test the unmarked border. This unending undulating landscape […]

Travels in Kakheti

Ned Downie, ES 2014 Team Georgia spent today traveling around Kakheti, the easternmost province of Georgia, known for its wine cultivation and wealth of historic sites. Our day was more focused upon the latter, though the peasant wine (homemade) that accompanied dinner was excellent—and only 4 laris per liter. In a way, though, what struck […]


Katja Botchkareva, CC 2016 Noon caught us swerving around Freedom Square in Giorgi’s car, on our way to the President’s Palace. We clung to each other for our lives as he navigated a city with very few traffic lights and a lot of aggressive drivers. By the time we got to smaller, quieter streets, Giorgi […]

From Tbilisi with love

Paul Wasserman, SM 2014 Our first full day in Tbilisi! In an attempt to try and get to know Tbilisi better, I woke up at 8am and went for a run around the city. I loved doing this, just getting lost, running through small and winding streets and seeing things that I otherwise would not […]

Georgia: A New Beginning

Helder Toste, BK 2016 As our plane lands with a thump at Tbilisi International Airport in Georgia, an hour late, I glance excitedly out my window looking to see the Georgia we have spent the last few months learning about.  Wide open plains stretch as far as the eye can see, the airport is brand […]